Saving Money
Something has really been jumping out at me lately about the way I save money compared to, say, some of the Extreme Couponers on said show...I notice the things I DON'T buy that they have stockpiled. Now, don't get me wrong, I know they are usually getting it free and if they want it and use it, fine. However, I find that when it comes to some items, I am simply better off avoiding them. For instance, one savvy shopper had a wall of paper towels. In my old days, I would have been (and was about) right there with her. However, when I buy paper towels, I use them like I'm getting paid to! I really love them...I love throwing those germs away...not having to think about the e coli or salmonella or dead bug that I just cleaned up. However, the cost (since I couldn't get mine double coupons in the Panhandle of Florida) was prohibitive, not to mention being a good steward of my storage space and the earth. (No, I don't worship the earth. I worship the Creator of this beautiful planet who did put it under our care.) So, I came up with a rag system that satisfied my OCD/germaphobic side. Clean rag bucket...dirty rag bucket...sanitize with extra hot water and bleach! That's it. Not too hard, I know, and something my grandmother didn't think a thing about. Well, she was probably simply sanitizing on the clothes line. Sometimes simplicity is the real bargain. Another bargain item that so many of the shoppers on EC have in there stockpile...candy and other sweets. While I do love those delectable treats...we (my kids and I) will scarf them all up, no matter how long a supply I supposedly purchased. I remember getting M&M's after Valentine's Day at ToysR'Us one year for practically nothing. I even put them in the deep freeze, but they disappeared quicker than you can say "bigger pant size." So, there's another item I have to watch about stockpiling! Stewardship involves not only being a good steward of our Money by trying to get the best deal when we purchase our groceries and toiletries but also prayerfully considering the items we purchase. The Frugal Zealot, Amy Dacyczyn, who wrote The Tightwad Gazette, was famous for saying, (I am really paraphrasing here) " If you follow me around the grocery store, you will be most struck by what we DON'T buy then by what we DO buy." She made a lot of things from scratch as well. Please don't think I am saying you should never purchase paper towels or that you should only make things from scratch and never purchase mixes. As a matter of fact, you can frequently get a great deal on mixes that can really be a nice addition to your weekly menus. I am simply suggesting that it's not a bad idea to think afresh about every item on your grocery list and be willing to go without it or even substitute another item for it. This is an especially valuable suggestion if the item isn't on sale that week and/or if you don't have a coupon for it!
So those are my frugal thoughts for the day...
Labels: Couponing, frugal, money saving ideas, stewardship
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