ltr"> Coupon Clippin' Woman: Fav book

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Fav book


I thought I would share with you one of my favorite books about saving money and being thrifty: The Complete Tightwad Gazette. The book is really a compilation of three previous "Tightwad" books. The author, Amy Dacyczyn (pronounce decision), wrote a "Thrifty" newsletter in the 90's and compiled the books from her newsletters. Interestingly enough, she was not, at the time of writing her newsletters, a coupon shopper. However, the newsletters she wrote were full of helpful information about being a good steward of both time and money. She was an advocate of using a price book to ensure one was getting the best deal on everything purchased and she recommended stocking up when one found the rock bottom price. Her methods were not unlike any effective coupon shopper. As you can see, from the condition of my copy, it is a much loved resource in my home. Darby, my 16 year old daughter, also  loves thumbing through it to pick up ideas. We even arranged her life management course around one of the volumes.

Since one of the tools she advocates using is the price book page and because I have mentioned the use of a price book page in conjunction with your coupon binder in my coupon class, here's a link to a printable price book page from organized home.

You will find the entire website helpful for purposes of organization.



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